Make a donation.

Clayton Theatricals is dedicated to the engagement, enrichment, entertainment, and unity of our community through theatre. Every donation received is an investment in artistic excellence, youth training, and outreach opportunities. Donations in any amount are truly appreciated, and together we can build and strengthen the arts in Johnston County. You may donate to the Annual Fund anytime throughout the year.

Donor Levels

Benefactors: Guarantees a pledge in the same amount for five years
Producers Circle: Pledges an ongoing monthly contribution

Visionaries: Donate $75,000+
Legacies: Donate $50,000+
Luminaries: Donate $25,000+
Icons: Donate $10,000+
Legends: Donate $5,000+
Mega-Stars: Donate $2,500+
 Donate $1,000+
*Stars: Donate $500+
*Headliners: Donate $250+
*Rising Stars: Donate $100+
Ensemble: Donate $10 to $99

*These levels can be achieved through joining the Producers Circle with a monthly donation!